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What Is Outsourcing?
outásource (outsôrs)
tr.v. out·sourced, out·sourc·ing, out·sourc·es
To send out (work, for example) to an outside provider or manufacturer in order to cut costs.
[Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.]

v : obtain goods or services from an outside supplier; to contract work out; "Many companies outsource and hire consultants rather in order to maintain a flexible workforce"
[Source: WordNet® 2.0, © 2003 Princeton University]

Understanding Both Sides of the Issue
Google News - Latest news on outsourcing
Offshore Outsourcing Information Center - Benefits/Pitfalls of outsourcing
"Outsourcing Jobs: Is It Bad?" - Newsweek 8/25/03 commentary looks at both sides of the issue

Lesson Plans
Global Job Hopping - New York Times' plan exploring the economic impacts of outsourcing jobs
Studying Locally, Teaching Globally - New York Times' lesson using role playing to understand outsourcing
Trade Wars: The Candidates Take a Stand - PBS NewsHour's lesson plan on domestic jobs and the 2004 presidential race
Trading Nations - New York Times' lesson analyzing the benefits and drawbacks of a global economy
Understanding Outsourcing - Wall Street Journal's Classroom Edition on Outsourcing (Requires subscription)
World in the Balance - NOVA lesson plan

Call Centers: Reasons to Outsource from a Foreign Perspective
Call Center India - Call center in India
Group China - Outsourcing to China and India
Mavish Tech - Call center in India
Outsource to India - Call center in India
Phil-Am Outsourcing Solutions - Outsourcing to the Philippines

Domestic Sources that Protest the Oursourcing of Jobs
Lost American

Film or Video Program Titles
American Jobs [Film website]
American Jobs is a documentary film that explores the loss of American jobs to foreign competition. The result of a six-month personal investigation by first-time filmmaker Greg Spotts, this nonpartisan, self-funded film is avaliable on DVD for $14.95." Classroom edition available. (From the film's website)

Nalini by Day, Nancy by Night [Film website]
In this insightful documentary, filmmaker Sonali Gulati explores complex issues of globalization, capitalism and identity through a witty and personal account of her journey into India's call centers. This film is available in University/College and K-12/Public Library editions. (From the film's website)

NewsHour with Jim Lehrer [Transcript available, March 9, 2004]
"Terence Smith talks with New York Times columnist Tom Friedman about his latest trip to Bangalore, India, where he examined the politics of outsourcing American jobs overseas."

Out of India (Outsourcing) [60 Minutes, Purchase online at the CBS store for $29.95]
Program #1: Aired January 11, 2004 Program #2: Aired August 1, 2004

Last Updated July 27, 2012

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