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Digital Asia: Documentary Digital Video Workshop

Digital Asia 2008
Digital Asia 2007 (pilot)
Digital Asia Seed Grant Projects

Digital Asia is training program for academic researchers (both faculty and graduate students) in making digital documentary video. Our goal is to help scholars of Asia better communicate the richness and depth of their knowledge and experience to an educational and public audience, through professional-quality production of video and other multimedia. Our role is to encourage these expert teachers and researchers to communicate visually, to tell their stories in a new medium through the latest digital video technology, rather than through words alone.

The core of this program is a multi-day, intensive workshop for a small number of participants selected through a competitive application process, which included detailed project proposals. A team of experienced filmmaker-scholars, media technology experts, and proven documentary filmmakers offer instruction on the entire process of creating a documentary video, from conceptualization through production, funding, and editing, to distribution. Participants then compete for seed grants providing start-up funds for their projects, in return for a short video with curriculum guide which will be available through AEMS.

Following the workshop, we encourage all Digital Asia participants to stay in touch with us and with each other, to offer support and assistance where possible. We wish to see everyone succeed in producing their video and reaching their audience. And we hope to gradually build a community of scholar-filmmakers.

We plan to next offer the Digital Asia Workshop in 2010.


Presented by Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies (EAPS),
Asian Educational Media Service (AEMS),
and Applied Technologies for Learning in the Arts & Sciences (ATLAS)
at The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


Last Updated: November 26, 2008

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