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South Asia

The Ancient Indus Valley
"800 illustrated pages by leading scholars of the largest and least known ancient urban civilization."

Devi: The Great Goddess
Developed in conjunction with an exhibit at the Sackler Gallery in Washington, D.C. Site looks at the six aspects of the Indian goddess Devi.

EZ Vidya: Information about India for Kids

How does art tell stories?: Art from India and Southeast Asia
The Seattle Art Museum site allows kids to explore art from South and Southeast Asia.

Kamat's Potpourri The History, Mystery, and Diversity of India
Extremely comprehensive site which includes thousands of photographs and paintings, several timelines, accounts of Hindu gods and mythology, and much more.

Learning Guide on Buddhism

Learn About The Artists of Nathadwara
Site provides information about artist community in the western Indian state of Rajasthan.

Teaching Bhutan
The on-line version of the PBS program on learning about Bhutan, with two central themes: social studies lessons and science lessons. The former includes "Buddhism and Ecology" and the latter explores the geological formation of the Himalayas.

Virtual Bangladesh
This colorful site offers current Bangladeshi news and an online tour of the country. Also features online forums.

Last Updated April 24, 2007

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