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Grains of Change
Content:Documentary Film
Available From:ENGAGE USA
Media Type:Streaming Video
Release Date:2006
Audience:Higher Education
High School
Running Time:approx. 30 min.
Physical Description:
Author:Produced by Carolyn Barnwell
Subject:Economics and Business
Science, Technology, & the Environment
International Business
Region:Southeast Asia


On this streaming video, available on the Engage website, Carolyn Barnwell journeys through northeastern Thailand to visit with farmers who are practicing Fair Trade, organic, sustainable agriculture. Learn how putting people at the center of trade benefits the farmers' families and communities, their way of life, and their environment as well as the health and well-being of consumers.

Carolyn received the 2006 Carrie Hunter-Tate Award from the American Anthropological Association's National Association of Student Anthropologists for her outstanding approach to anthropology research, including her research on organic rice communities in Thailand and their relationship to the Fair Trade economic model, as well as the dissemination of her findings through her published writings and this documentary video.

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