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Memory of Forgotten War
Content:Documentary Film
Available From:Mu Films
Review Available:Review
Media Type:DVD
Release Date:2013
Audience:Higher Education
Running Time:38 min.
Physical Description:(Null)
Language:Korean and English
Author:Directed by Deann Borshay Liem, Ramsay Liem

Resource Library Number:EAKDVD 151
Subheading:Korean War
Region:East Asia
Country:North Korea
South Korea


Unknown or forgotten by most Americans, the Korean War divided a people with several millenniums of shared history. Memory of Forgotten War conveys the human costs of military conflict through deeply personal accounts of four Korean American survivors whose experiences and memories embrace the full circle of the war: its outbreak and the day-to struggle for survival, separation from family members across the DMZ, the aftermath of a devastated Korean peninsula, and immigration to the United States. Each person reunites with relatives in North Korea conveying beyond words the meaning of four decades of family loss. Their stories belie the notion that war ends for civilians when the guns are silenced an foreshadow the future of countless others displaced by ongoing military conflict today.

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