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School on the Move
Content:Documentary Film
Available From:National Film Board of Canada (NFB)
Media Type:DVD
Release Date:2008
Running Time:50 Minutes
Physical Description:(Null)
Author:Michel Debats


Instead of going away to school, some Evenk children of remote Siberia have the school brought to them!

French anthropologist Alexandra Lavrillier is fighting alongside the Evenk people of south-eastern Siberia to save their heritage. School on the Move travels with her to the taiga where this nomadic people live. Here she has helped set up a mobile school to give Evenk children the chance to receive a modern education without having to sacrifice their ancestral traditions. Lessons, for example, include learning to use a computer and lassoing and riding a reindeer.

Instead of being sent away to a boarding school at age 6, young Evenk students can stay with their families, making it possible to conserve and even revive their language and culture.

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