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Content:Documentary Film
Available From:Point Made Films
Media Type:DVD
Release Date:2008
Audience:Higher Education
High School
Running Time:80 minutes
Author:Director: Barb Lee
Subject:Anthropology and Sociology
Subheading:Children and Youth
Region:East Asia


Adopted reveals the grit rather than the glamor of transracial adoption. First-time director Barb Lee goes deep into the intimate lives of two well-meaning families and shows us the subtle challenges they face. One family is just beginning the process of adopting a baby from China and is filled with hope and possibility. The other family’s adopted Korean daughter is now 32 years old. Prompted by her adoptive mother’s terminal illness, she tries to create the bond they never had. The results are riveting, unpredictable and telling. While the two families are at opposite ends of the journey, their stories converge to show us that love isn’t always enough. To learn more, check the film website.

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