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In The Matter of Cha Jung Hee
Content:Documentary Film
Available From:PBS Video
Mu Films
Media Type:DVD
Release Date:2010
Audience:Higher Education
High School
Running Time:61 minutes
Physical Description:(Null)
Author:Director: Deann Borshay Liem
Resource Library Number:AADVD 9
Subject:Anthropology and Sociology
Diaspora and Ethnicity


When Deann Borshay Liem was adopted from Korea in 1966, she arrived in America as Cha Jung Hee when in fact, she was not. In this intricately crafted documentary, Liem unravels a lifetime lived in the guise of another’s identity. After 40 years of wondering, Liem embarks on a journey to finally uncover the mystery of Cha Jung Hee: What happened to this young girl, and how did Liem come to inherit her fate? Liem navigates through South Korea’s bureaucracy to uncover the truth of Cha Jung Hee’s identity and future. Her journey to Korea offers profound insight into the legacy of the Korean War, the Korean diaspora, and the institutionalization of the nation’s adoption programs. A stunning mystery not to be missed.

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