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Can't Go Native?
Content:Documentary Film
Available From:Media Production Group
Review Available:Review
Media Type:DVD
Release Date:2010
Audience:Higher Education
High School
Running Time:56 minutes
Language:English and Japanese with English subtitles
Author:Chet Kincaid
Resource Library Number:EAJDVD 110
Subject:Anthropology and Sociology
Subheading:Social Conditions
Region:East Asia


In 1961, graduate student Keith Brown went to Mizusawa in northeastern Japan to gather material for his doctoral dissertation on Japanese kinship. Professor Emeritus Keith Brown still visits Mizusawa to collect data but also to be among friends he has known for decades. Filmed in a region of Japan that is flyover country for world media Can't Go Native tells a compelling story of Japanese and Americans growing older together for a half a century.


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