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To Tell the Truth: The Liu Binyan Story
Content:Documentary Film
Available From:Cinema Guild
Review Available:Review
Media Type:DVD
Release Date:2006
Audience:High School
Running Time:59 minutes
Author:Directed by Meggie Miao
Resource Library Number:EACDVD 104
Subject:Anthropology and Sociology
Media Studies
Social Change
Region:East Asia


A journalist's most basic duty is to tell the truth, but not in Communist China. Liu Binyan, a leading Chinese journalist, sought out the truth his whole life and consequently paid a huge price for his honesty.

Starting in 1949, Liu Binyan began a long career of writing and reporting about the injustices and the sufferings of ordinary people, with a fervent devotion to social ideals. As a fearless and outspoken journalist Binyan suffered many consequences, including being kicked out of the Communist Party twice, and sent to labor camps for more than 20 years. Throughout all this he continued to expose corruption and write about injustice.

In the spring of 1988 he left for the United States to teach and write, but was barred from returning to China. He never saw his beloved homeland again, although he still continued to write about China.

Often referred to as “the Conscience of China,” Liu was named one of Time Magazine's Asian Heroes in 2003. Through interviews and archival footage, this film documents the story of Liu Binyan, his determination to speak the truth, and his struggle to build a freer China.

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