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Content:Documentary Film
Available From:Visual Cultural Group Zitta
Media Type:DVD
Release Date:2008
Running Time:105 min
Author:Director: Kim Il-rhan
Production Company: pinks Collective for Sexually Minor Cultures
Subject:Gender and Women's Studies
Region:East Asia
Country:South Korea


This Documentary portrays the diversity within FTM(female to male) transgenders in South Korea through the experiences and life of three FTMs, who have the different process of identification and diverse reason why he wants to be a FTM or cannot choose but being a FTM: 'H' has always wanted to be a man with a physical power and tough behaviour from his childhood; 'K' has been always confused at who he is, ever uncomfortable with and unfit for any gender role and recently found who he has been since learning about transgender; finally, 'J', who met a girlfriend at a lesbian community, decided to be a man for a better career and his girlfriend's demand. This documentary also tries to encourage each of them affirm their sexuality over the binarism of gender clearly divided into male and female. For non-transgender, it can be an opportunity to discover and expand her or his own diverse sexuality and imagination on

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