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Variant Title:Twenty Forty-Six
Content:Feature Film
Media Type:DVD
Release Date:2004
Audience:Higher Education
Author:Directed by Wong, Kar-wai
Resource Library Number:EACDVD 18
Subject:Science, Technology, & the Environment
Subheading:Technology & Modernization
Region:East Asia


"A Hong Kong writer finds inspiration from the women he's encountered in his past in this futuristic story of love and memory from Wong Kar Wai, who continues the story he began in his acclaimed masterpiece 'In the Mood for Love'. Remembering back to the early 1960s, when he lived in the Oriental Hotel in Hong Kong, Chow writes and erotic story that begins with a mysterious woman who lived in room 2046. Chow (Hero's Tony Leung) moves into room 2047 and begins an affair with a beautiful prostitute who now rents the mysterious woman's room. As he writes his story, which he sets in the future in the year 2046, Chow tells of a place where people travel to recapture lost memories; he is the first one to return. Nominated for the Golden Palm Award at the 2004 Cannes Film Festival, 2046 also stars Ziyi Zhang (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon), Gong Li (Memoirs of a Geisha) and Maggie Cheung (Hero)."--DVD Container

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