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Ancestor's Homeleaving: What Is Letting Go?
Series Title:Mountain Light Video Library
Content:Documentary Film
Available From:Dharma Communications
Media Type:Videocassette
Release Date:1991 - 1995
Audience:Higher Education
High School
Physical Description:VHS videotape
Author:Dharma Communications
John Daido Loori
Subject:Philosophy and Religion
Region:Asia General


"The 300 Koan Shobogenzo: Case 176
The one great pearl is always present.
Dragon sons and daughters are always born of dragon parents.
But how can it be spoken of?
The rains have passed,
And the autumn river runs deep and fast.

With eloquent words and compelling vision, Abbot Loori evokes the inherent harmony of monastic and lay practice, and of all dualities. The "one great pearl" is the true Dharma eye, the eye of reality, the Buddha nature. Abbot Loori points out that it cannot be given or received, only realized. In this extraordinary discourse, Abbot Loori is gutsy, down-to-earth, and challenging in the way of all true mystics, asking each of us to realize the "dragon", and offer our lives to protect and nourish all life.

Volume 2 of the Mountain Light Video Library."

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