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Aboriginal Technology, Bangkok Sewers, Microsurgery
Variant Title:Bangkok Sewers, Aboriginal Technology, Microsurgery
Series Title:Elegant Solution, The
Content:Documentary Film
Media Type:Videocassette
Release Date:1998
Audience:Higher Education
Secondary Education
Running Time:28 min.
Physical Description:1 video cassette, 28 min.
Subject:Science, Technology, & the Environment
Technology & Modernization
Region:Southeast Asia


ABORIGINAL TECHNOLOGY, BANGKOK SEWERS, MICROSURGERY ABORIGINAL TECHNOLOGY -Engineering 40,0000 years ago. BANGKOK SEWERS -installing the sewage infrastructure in the middle of a densely populated city, MICROSURGERY -the tools and ergonomical design of instruments for surgeons to operate on our internal organs. This is part of the fascinating 13 part series THE ELEGANT SOLUTION, focusing on great engineering achievements throughout history. Filmed in over 20 countries, it reveals engineering as a crucial force in world development and examines the future of engineering by exploring the past and the present. The story of engineering is one that touches everybody in many ways. Almost everything we do - from computing to using the telephone, driving the car and doing the wash - has been affected by an engineer. Engineering will have an impact on future societies and human values. In self-contained episodes, each program explores the unique strands of engineering and reflects on their importance to society. Highlighting fields such as transport, energy, medicine; uncovering the achievements of ancient peoples; and exploring military applications, monuments and the impact of nature The Elegant Solution offers a unique perspective on the world. This series features some of the greatest engineering feats of our time. It is the story of engineers with imagination, ingenuity, human understanding and, above all, the desire to succeed. It is the story of their obstacles and their achievements; the exciting. the eccentric, the remarkable and the extraordinary. The Elegant Solution bridges disciplines and distances, and links the present with the future by reflecting on marvels of the past. Winner of 1998 ATOM Film & Televisions Awards 13 X 28 min each, $195. each. S-C, 1999, engineering, science, technology, health, architecture

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