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Life and Death of a Dynasty, The (Robert Drew Archive)
Content:Documentary Film
Available From:Direct Cinema Limited
Media Type:Videocassette
Release Date:1991
Audience:Higher Education
Secondary Education
Running Time:90 min
Physical Description:one video cassette, color, 90 min.
Subject:Anthropology and Sociology
Politics and Government
History, 1900-1950
History, 1951-1980
National Government
Social Structure
Region:South Asia


Unique in both the breadth and the intimacy of its view, The Life and Death of a Dynasty offers a fascinating and moving portrait of a family whose destiny was inextricably intertwined with 850-million other souls in the greatest democratic experiment of the 20th century. The film's creators, Emmy award-winning independent producers Robert and Anne Drew, have been documenting the Nehru-Gandhi family for nearly thirty years.

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