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Buddha: The Path to Enlightenment
Series Title:Heaven, Hell, and Nirvana
Content:Documentary Film
Available From:Films for the Humanities and Sciences
Media Type:Videocassette
Release Date:1999
Audience:Higher Education
High School
Running Time:43 min.
Physical Description:1 videocassette (43 min.): col.;1/2" or DVD
Author:Written and directed by Bernd Liebner, Eike Schmitz
Produced by Atlantis-Film, Berlin for ZDF
Resource Library Number:AGV 32
Subject:Anthropology and Sociology
Philosophy and Religion
Religious Figures
Rituals and Customs
Region:Asia General


Drawing on Buddha’s ancient sermons, this program vividly depicts the life story of Siddhartha Gautama, who is said to have renounced luxury and radical asceticism alike to attain spiritual freedom by taking the middle path. Transformed, Siddhartha became reverentially known as Buddha, "The Enlightened One," and offered his teachings to any who wished to learn the Four Noble Truths.

Buddhist rituals, holiday celebrations, and holy sites such as Buddh Gaya and Mt. Kailash are interspersed throughout the narrative. Aspects of monastic life are also explored, as well as the concepts of karma and nirvana. 

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