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Series Title:Korean War Series
Content:Documentary Film
Available From:Coronet/MTI Film & Video
Media Type:Videocassette
Release Date:1988
Audience:Secondary Education
Running Time:15 min.
Physical Description:one color video cassette, 15 min.
Author:Lou Reda Productions
Politics and Government
Subheading:Korean War
Military or Armed Conflict
National Government
Region:East Asia
East/West Relations
Country:North Korea
South Korea


"This program chronicles the invasion of South Korea by Russian equipped North Korean troops in June, 1950. Film from government archives shows, and the narration describes, the reactions of South Korea, the United States and the United Nations that led to military confrontation with--and the repulsion of--the invading troops." Produced by Lou Reda Productions, Inc. A Coronet Release.

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