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Children of Japan (series)
Series Title:Children of Japan
Content:Documentary Film
Available From:Great Plains National
Media Type:Videocassette
Release Date:1987
Audience:Elementary Education
Secondary Education
Running Time:15 min.
Author:Hawaii Department of Education
Subject:Anthropology and Sociology
Subheading:Children and Youth
Region:East Asia


"This series studies the character, training and relationships of Japanese children in society, family, education and the arts. The programs explore how a society is influenced by historical background, physical location and natural resources and examine how attitudes and values impact living habits, and how contact with other cultures and societies causes change. Designed for use in Grades 4 through 8, viewers are able to compare the similarities and differences of their lives with those of their Japanese peers - and the reasons for those similarities and differences - to gain a better understanding of Japan and the Japanese people." Titles include Society, Family, School, and Arts.

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